post-holiday reflection

The end of the holidays always make me feel a little sad, because it’s my favorite time of the year, and I can’t help but think of how much will happen between now and this time next year. 2014 felt like it zoomed by, and between all of the good, bad and otherwise that happened, I think it was my favorite year yet.

I’ve been (inadvertently) reflecting on this year lately. There are the silly little things that are bound to happen – arguments, stress, falling outs with friends (and, like, a really weird stint as a barista) – but overall, the picture is good. I spent two amazing weeks in the UK, had great experiences, met wonderful people, and I’m finally doing what I love. But perhaps best of all, I’ve learned a lot –  a lot – about myself. Not that I’m done figuring everything out, but I’ve gained a much better sense of self and of what I like. For one – I really, really like being alone. I also really love keeping my environment tidy and bright and organized, and I like surrounding myself with plants and pretty things. I like to take time to read and go outside. And I’m learning to cut the things out of my life that cause me stress without feeling guilty, and I feel mentally and physically so much better.

But there are still all the things I said I would do this year, on my goal list – some of which I didn’t quite get done. But I noticed through the year that I had changed and not all the things on my list seemed quite so enticing, and other things came up that I’d have liked to add. But 2014 was my year of taking chances, and reminding myself of that periodically helped me in a lot of situations. So I’m re-adopting it again for 2015, and going into the year with a really good sense of what I need to do to have my best year yet. I know the only constant in life is change, but I’m in a really good place right now, and I’m set on staying in that place.

So, where does the blog fit into all of this? I kind of did a horrible job posting this year, which I think is just a testament to the kind of busy year I’ve had. And I realized a few months ago that I’ve somehow slipped into trying to make this blog something that I think it should be. But I’ve decided that I’m going to make sarah kate style exactly what I want it to be – that is, whatever I want it to be. I’m going to write about whatever it is I truly like, and not limit myself to the kinds of posts I’ve done before. I have so many ideas, and I feel so inspired and excited right now. I’m not too pleased with myself for previously making false promises of coming back and posting religiously, but now more than ever, I really want to make this blog something that I’m proud of.

That being said, I might be taking the rest of the year off to relax, rejuvenate and work on posts for next year. As always, thank you for your continued support. I’ll see you all in 2015. xo

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